미국 전화번호

+1 3193829139

에서 +19724******
2 년 전
Partners please remember that you should be connected via ethernet cable to provide a more stable internet connection. We should NOT be using wifi. Thank you!
에서 Ello
2 년 전
Hello Leonardo, Dynata is monitoring your screen and has noticed you are still in NOT READY but not clicking on READY. Please resume dialing.The next request may be for you to log out for the night.
에서 Line
2 년 전
Partners if you are experiencing any issues with the dialer (i.e. static on the line, dead air, etc.) Please make sure that you clear your cache then refresh your page. Here is the link to the one note that has all BTS methods (this is not a hyperlink you will have to type into your browser) https://bit.ly/Dynata-OneNote
에서 Ello
2 년 전
Hello Leonardo, you are showing up as being in Not Ready, please begin dialing at this time. Don't hesitate to message in if you are having any trouble
2 년 전
Hi Leonardo, your project for today is NC STW which is approximately 25 minutes in length. You are collecting completes from Any Registered Voter so be sure to ask "Is there another registered voter I can speak with?" Make every contact with the respondent count and make good use of sample on behalf of the client. Jump into your Intro right away and with CONFIDENCE in your voice, no first question hesitation, and be assertive.
에서 +19724******
2 년 전
Leonardo, we are so happy you have picked up a First Shift with the Dynata project! Don't get bogged down in simple stuff like computer settings. Take the time now to get it set up correctly so you can get in today at 4:30pm EST for your Zoom preshift and then begin dialing promptly at 5pm EST. There is NO DIALING until 5pm EST. Do not message in "No Project" until then. You should be in Zoom with the Quality Lead. Use Tech Issues > BTS page on the Dynata One Note to be sure you are ready to go. https://bit.ly/Dynata-OneNote You are free to bookmark this resource and use it inshift while dialing.
에서 +19724******
2 년 전
Pre-shift briefings are very Important for you to join! A pre-shift briefing will be held 30 minutes prior to the start of the shift to help you prepare for this shift. Be sure Zoom is 'allowed' in your browser in the Chrome security settings. Please do not Cancel your shift if you have tech issues trying to come into the pre-shift meeting. We need you to still begin dialing at the top of the hour. Simply message us if you are having tech issues getting in; but still please work your shift. Please log out of the interviewer for breaks. IMPORTANT: Do not reach out to Dynata, or any of its clients for any reason! If you do, you will be removed from the Shiftsmart platform. If you have questions, reach out in the app. Pre-Shift Zoom - https://shiftsmart.zoom.us/j/95515463977?pwd=S1AzWjRWRDRGWHdzaUZieW1HM0hYZz09 Meeting ID: 955 1546 3977 Passcode: 0123 Helpful Link - http://bit.ly/Dynata_Helper
에서 Ello
2 년 전
Hello again, Leonardo - Your Dynata shift is starting in a few minutes. Please check-in in the Shiftsmart app now. Have a great shift! Shift Details: My First Shift: Survey Calls * Anywhere 7/19/22, 4:30pm - 7/19/22, 9:00pm
에서 +16504******
2 년 전
It is time to get ready for your Dynata shift, Leonardo! It starts in less than 15 minutes. Please be on time and don't forget to check-in through the Shiftsmart app. Shift Details: My First Shift: Survey Calls * Anywhere 7/19/22, 4:30pm - 7/19/22, 9:00pm
에서 +19858******
2 년 전
Leonardo, open the Shiftsmart app to schedule your Survey Caller virtual training in the "shifts" tab. After training, please complete the attendance quiz in the "onboarding" tab. http://download.shiftsmart.com/

미국의 더 많은 전화번호

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당사의 서비스는 빠르고, 안정적이며 완전히 무료입니다. 누구나 미국 전화번호가 필요한 사람에게 적합합니다. 더 이상 짧은 메시지를 한 번만 받거나 단기 통신을 위해 비싼 서비스 계약을 체결하거나 SIM 카드를 구매할 필요가 없습니다. 당사의 플랫폼을 통해 미국 전화번호를 즉시 얻고 메시지 수신을 시작할 수 있으며 전체 프로세스가 간편하고 편리합니다.

지금 당사 웹사이트를 방문하여 무료 미국 전화번호를 받고 걱정 없는 짧은 메시지 수신 여정을 시작하세요. 중요한 비즈니스 알림을 받아야 하든 아니면 개인 정보만 보호하려는 경우든 당사의 서비스는 유연하고 안전한 솔루션을 제공합니다. 당사의 서비스를 이용하여 무료 짧은 메시지 수신 서비스의 편리함, 보안성 및 자유를 누리세요.